Cygnets Model Boat Club
The Ronnie Richardson Sail Trophy, Sailing Rules & Championship Standing
For the results round by round please click on the links below.
The Ronnie Richardson Sail Trophy Championship Standing
Cygnets Model Boat Club Sailing Rules
We have produced a basic set of Rules based on a simplified version of the MYA (Model Yachting Association) rules. We hope this will enable us to have enjoyable racing with a degree of order in our progress around the course. It will also allow our experienced skippers to pass on their knowledge and skills to our new skippers.
These Rules will govern all sail racing run by the Cygnets Model Boat Club at Mote Park Maidstone.
Race numbers on sails must be distinct and readable and preferably at least 75 mm in height.
Race numbers will be your Club membership number or approved alternative.
A boat on a starboard tack has the right of way over a boat on a port tack.
Figure 1 shows the choices the port boat can make to avoid a collision with the boat on starboard tack.
When tacking, for instance when changing from a port tack to a starboard tack, a boat cannot claim any rights until the tack has been completed and the sails are drawing.
A boat to windward must keep clear of a leeward boat.
In Figure 2 boat A must keep clear of boat B
A running boat (with the wind) must give way to a beating boat (against the wind) – however the port and starboard rules take precedence
In Figure 3a boat A is running on starboard and B is beating on port so B must give way.
In Figure 3b boat A is running on port and B is beating on starboard so A must give way.
If a mark is missed, the boat will have to round the mark correctly. This should be done off the racing line, giving way to boats approaching the mark.
Approaching a mark, a boat having an inside overlap within approximately 4 boat lengths of the mark has the right of way, and any overlapped boat must keep clear.
a) Boat B must be given a clear and unhindered run/passage to the mark
b). All boats in the vicinity shall give Boat B a clear and unhindered passage to make the turn.
c). Boat B shall make the turn as soon as possible, preferably within 1 metre of the mark. Boat B has no rights to delay the turn for any reason whatsoever, including gaining a positional advantage.
d). All other boats in the vicinity shall not have the right to harass and/or make contact with Boat B into making the turn.
e) For harassment, delay or contact a verbal warning will be given immediately by the Race Officer or Observer.
At the start of a race all rules apply when the one minute countdown begins.
Boats must start correctly by passing through the start gate
A boat on course side at the start signal must sail clear and start correctly.
Accidental contact will not be penalised.
However should the race officer decide the collision was avoidable the offending boat could be disqualified.
All contact with other boats should be avoided.
Any boat which has completed its race and crossed the finish line must sail clear of any boats still competing.
A Race Officer and two Observers per race will be required but racing will proceed if this requirement is not fully met.
It is acknowledged that not all marks/buoys can be monitored.
The Observers will be selected from the skippers who are not racing that particular class.
The duties of the Observers are to assist the Race Officer with:
Start and finish of races, lap counting, course observance and contact.
To advise the skippers accordingly.
Adjudication with the Race Officer of disputes tabled after the race is completed.
Adjudication with the Race Officer on unsportsmanlike behaviour and the notification to the skippers concerned.
The decisions of the Race Officer and Observers will be final and not open for discussion.
Unsportsmanlike behaviour that impacts on the general public, Race Officials and other competitors will not be tolerated and the offender will be disqualified from the day’s racing.
The offending skippers will lose any points that have been gained during the Round and the zero points awarded to them cannot be used in the “count back” when their points are reconciled at the end of the season.
A skipper offending for the second time will be disqualified from racing for the remainder of the season.
The decision of the Race Officer is final and not open for discussion.
Ronnie Richardson Sail Trophy Rules
Racing will be governed by the Cygnets Model Boat Club Sail Racing Rules.
There are 3 yacht classes, known as:
Class A
Comprising sub classes
Class AR
DF65 (Dragonforce) yachts ONLY
Class AS
Victoria, Northwind 28, RG65, etc.
Other yachts less than 800mm in length.
Class B
Seawind yachts only
Class C
Comprising sub classes
Class CR
DF95 (Dragonflite) Yachts ONLY
Class CS
Voyager, Northwind 36, Emirates, Fairwind, True Blue, etc.
Any other Sports yacht between 800mm and 1000mm
Each of the classes will contain yachts of similar length.
One metre racing yachts can compete but will not be recognised for trophy placement.
Skippers can compete in more than one class.
To keep racing fair it has been agreed that all yachts may only compete with standard size sails - i.e. smaller storm and larger light wind sails are not permitted.
The DF65 and DF95 must use the standard “A” rig.
The following are the standard races for each class:
Class A – 4 laps of the designated course or 20 minutes whichever is the shorter.
Class B – 5 laps of the designated course or 25 minutes whichever is the shorter.
Class C – 5 laps of the designated course or 25 minutes whichever is the shorter.
The race format may be changed at the Race Officers discretion.
The Race Officer may change the race length during a race providing he informs the leading skipper beforethey start their next lap.
There will be 10 rounds of three races per class per round from March to November inclusive.
Racing will commence at 10.15 am. The 15 minutes from 10.00 to 10.15am is set aside for test sailing.
Racing will be in three sessions. There will be two breaks of 15 minutes each - one between Sessions 1 and 2 and the other between Sessions 2 and 3. There will be no lunch break.
There will be no handicaps.
All yachts of the same class will race against each other.
All Classes will race and be scored individually
Skippers may join another Class at any time during the racing season and will receive “starting points” of the class’s lowest score, as recorded by a “regular” skipper minus one point.
The starting points will never be zero.
The points will be calculated in the following way:
1st – 6 points
2nd – 5 points
3rd – 4 points
4th – 3 points
5th – 2 points
6th and onwards – 1 point
DNS – 0 points
DNF – 0 points
After Round 10 and in the final reconciliation of the points, a skipper’s worst 6 scores will automatically be discarded. A skipper’s worst scores will not include the ones in which they have been disqualified.
If less than 10 rounds are completed the discard score may be adjusted.
There will be a trophy, to be kept for a year, presented to each class winner plus a memento for personal retention.
The 2nd and 3rd place skippers in each class will also receive a memento for personal retention.
All trophies and personal mementos will be presented at the Club’s Annual General Meeting held in December of each year.