Cygnets Model Boat Club
About Cygnets
The Club was formed in 1959 and has had an active membership ever since. It has had the exclusive use of the lake at Mote Park since 1978. We have excellent facilities and in 2012 a new compound was built as part of lottery funding given to the Park to improve facilities.
Currently the Club includes all sections of Model Boating, Scale, Sail, IC and Fast Electric. The Club runs its own competitions throughout the year including Sail, IC and Fast Electric racing.
We hold a number of regattas throughout the year such as Boats on the Mote for all classes, Tugs and Warships day for the scale modellers and MPBA Multi racing.
We also publish a quarterly newsletter to all members which offers useful information and keeps all members informed of activities on and off the lake and in competitions.
The Club prides itself in maintaining a friendly and helpful approach to model boating and you can always find someone with good advice and help if you should need it.